Friday, July 11, 2008

Clifinar avatar on Lively

I made a clifinar avatar. I don't really know how much avatars influence seo, but I would really like to test it. So, Google have this new feature called Lively, a social 3 dimensional world. Members can talk with other avatars they see on rooms they visit, or visitors to the room they have created. I created an avatar and opened a room in this virtual world. The room is called clifinar. I called my avatar clifinars, because for some reason, the name clifinar was taken. I have no idea who took it before me, but lucky him!
You can see the room on this post, and you are very welcome to visit it.
There are some really cool and funny features on Lively. You can, for instance, add furniture and drag them, change clothes and looks. But, the most intersrting feature is the ability to add a wall mounted screen to your room and show Youtube videos, photos, or just post a link.
I took me time to understand how I can make my avatar walk and how to add furniture and links, but after a few minutes I got the idea. There are already user guides for Lively. Some include screen shots and are very helpful.
The big challenge for everyone who wants to use this tool as a marketing tool, is to make people visit your room and not other rooms. I don't know yet how can I invite avatars to my clifinar room, but I have the whole weekend to test it.


מאור קפלנסקי said...

You are not in the room...

Clifinar said...

I am not always there, you know...

Anonymous said...

oh this is a very informative
post! i actually enjoyed reading
this - very well explained too. thanks, this is very useful!
Great information..
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